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What format picture does the digital printing equipment support

Currently, there are 24 commonly used image formats in computer systems, but not all formats can be appliedDigital printing equipmentUp.

Because in different industries, the format requirements for pictures are also different. For example: website code pictures are in webp format; some moving pictures are in GIF format; photos taken by digital camera products have the shooting date, location, EXIF ​​format, etc.

General printing equipment supports more JPEG format, and a small amount supports TIF format. However, of the two formats, the most commonly used is the TIF format.

TIFF format is flexible and changeable. It defines four different formats: TIFF-B is suitable for binary images: TIFF-G is suitable for black and white grayscale images; TIFF-P is suitable for color images with palettes: TIFF- R is suitable for RGB true color images. The first data structure in the TIFF image file is called the image file header or IFH. This structure is the only part with a fixed position in a TIFF file; the IFD image file directory is an information block with a variable byte length, and the Tag tag is the core part of the TIFF file.T-shirt direct printing machineAll image parameters to be used are defined in the image file directory, and each directory entry in the directory contains a parameter of the image. In other words, the pictures in TIF format can better preserve the designer's original intention of color, and the parameters of the pictures perfectly match the design of the output software. The printed patterns are consistent with those displayed on the computer.

Another picture format, the lossy compression of JPEG format will reduce the quality of the original picture data, then the printed pattern effect will be significantly reduced, and the color will be wrong with the computer.

Just because the JPEG format compresses the picture, the size of the picture is smaller than that of the TIF format, which does not require much storage space on the computer. The TIF format pictures are relatively large and take up the space of the computer. However, the current computer configuration can still meet the space requirements of the daily printing factory to store the TIF format.

Digital t-shirt printing machine, It supports TIF format and JPEG format. Finally, the technical staff of Xingpai Digital Technology Co., Ltd. suggest that you still use the TIF format.